
Do you find you are losing your temper regularly or you cannot get over things quickly?
Have you felt guilt or shame because of your response to another?
Have you recently hurt loved ones because of your moods?
Are you coping with a partner who becomes violent or angry?

Anger is a healthy emotion when it’s expressed in a healthy way. But too often, it can get out of hand. If anger is causing you problems personally or professionally, it may be time to find out the reasons for your feelings and work on ways to reduce your anger, such as problem solving or assertiveness training.

Anger is a healthy emotion, but too often it can get out of hand.

You can also seek psychological support if you believe your partner is aggressive or intimidates you, or if his or her anger has affected you. A psychologist will help you to understand any contributing factors and give you ways of coping with a past or your current situation.

Domestic violence is a serious social problem. It can be damaging to the people involved in a relationship and, particularly, to children who witness these scenes. A psychologist can help you with the problems associated with domestic violence.

The national domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-7233 (1-800-787-3224 for TTY)

Signs that anger is a problem:
Not being able to control your temper
Hurting yourself or others with your anger
Destroying your own or others' property
Excessive guilt or shame after outbursts
Bullying or threatening others
Physical fights