Depression & Stress

Is your depression becoming more difficult to shake off?
Are you finding that you are feeling blue or stressed for more days than not?
Are you feeling worthless or hopeless about the future?
Are you finding it difficult to shake off stressful thoughts or events?

A certain amount of depression and stress is normal. It becomes a problem when you start to have more down times than good days. This can begin a cycle that is difficult to break.

A clinical psychologist can create an individual program that works for you.

A clinical psychologist can create an individual program that works for you. It will take into account the causes of your depression including your past, your current work and home situation and relationships, medical issues, emotions, your behaviours and thoughts, and the impact of all of these elements on you. I will work together with you to examine your circumstances and determine the best means of promoting effective change in your life.

Signs of depression:
Sleep problems
Appetite / weight changes
Regular bad mood or sadness
Loss of interest in things
Agitation or slowness
Difficulty concentrating
Low self esteem
Hopeless or suicidal thoughts